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Cheap Work Bench

Stable Work Surface

Jobs in wood offer incredible variety. My brief, on this occasion, was to make a strong and serviceable workbench. It was to be big enough and stable enough for multiple workers to use hand planes. It wasn’t to cost too much for it would be disposed of after three days of use.

Free Materials

Granite and marble are shipped to Australia in sheets that are 2 metres by 3 metres. It is packaged in wonderful timbers 100mm x 80mm. The local stone warehouse throws the wood away. Thankyou!

Roubo bench makers will scoff. Pragmatists will be encouraged at seeing what is possible for such little outlay in money and time!

It is remarkable to pick up timber of these dimensions for free. It is usually sent to land fill.
Two metres long and 850mm wide, the bench has wonderful inertia.
Diagonal bracing keeps the construction rigid. Lots of 150mm batten screws also help.
Fixed to the top are three cheap sash cramps. These serve as vices.

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