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Album of Pride

What Do You Like?

Not liking hammers doesn’t make you a freak. It gives you the opportunity to like something else.

One of my friends has trouble concentrating for more that a couple of minutes. He will stop work, stand up and walk away! Hammering, sanding and lacquering just don’t hold him. BUT, when he has a brush and paints he will create lovely pictures. If the work I am giving is not engaging, then it is my fault, not his. What can I offer to make our time together more interesting for him?

A Book of Mutual Pride

Here isĀ our latest attempt be enthusiastic together.

I am trying to raise the status of his work by creating a display case into which his painting will go. The display case is impressive, he just needs to fill it with his impressive work.

Here is the outside. The treasure chestish hinges are intended to imply that this book will contain treasure!
Though the book is 100mm thick, it only has five pages and two covers. Each page is four layers of three ply. These layers contain a sandwich of economy painters canvases. The holes are a mistake- I had wanted to hinge the pages using a Coptic book binding technique but couldn’t work it out. My intention is that my friend will find ten paintings in his imagination and the book will be a lovely addition to his precious collection about self!

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