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Without a Workshop

Work with my disabled friends depends heavily on efficient batch production.
For reasons not worth recounting my workshop is out of action for about a year. So, work with my friends has stalled, horribly!

To maintain our hands together relationship I need to invent stuff that requires very little wood machining.  Here are two pieces of work.

Easter Box

Thrift shops sell bulk packs of pop sticks, no machines needed. A square of ply sets up the idea of a square and as I manage a glue bottle, my friends layer on the sticks to create an open box. We turned it into an Easter present by gluing on some eggs.

Mothers Day

A gift for mum…
Preparation for this was not efficient. The final object is simple but each one of twelve folding mirror containers had to be cut individually with a jig saw. Each side is two layers of ply.  I cut a 75mm hole in 6mm ply and glued 3mm ply to one face.  My friends will drill, sand and paint two pieces.

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