
Spotted Gum Rattler

The clock has been a gentle construction. However, it is about time my friends had some rattle, bang and thump in their work.

Using a hammer to thump things together is lots of fun. But our giggles are really a response to mutual trust as we care for each other’s fingers and enjoy each other’s company.

This is an adaption of a traditional baby’s rattle. Making the components had some interesting moments. Its hollow body needed to be drilled out but the Australian spotted gum is so hard it needed  a carbide tipped forstner bit. An old broom stick continues its life as many smaller handles; there is a nice poetry about that. As usual, everything is recycled scrap.

The plastic spider is an attempt to reflect the 31st October.

When you shake the rattle, it gives a lovely hollow clip clop noise.

Here are the components ready to assemble. Spotted gum gives lovely resonance, but it likes to splinter and split.

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