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Dirty Work

Whose work is it? Each project with my friends is really a joint effort.  An amount of work belongs to my batch production and an amount to my friends. The components of this project were complex. Sides of the tray were all cut individually on the bandsaw. Each handle involved angles that needed to be…


Not a Roubo Bench- workbench for a small space

A workbench is a personal statement. In a concrete way it expresses needs, resources and interests of the person who made it. Many boasts are to be found that an author/woodworker has intelligently created superior responses to the needs of a workshop. Here is another entry into that crowded arena. However, what follows makes no…

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The Trolley

The last couple of months have been dominated by the fire engine and clocks, so this blog has been a little quiet. It is good news that we sold thirty clocks with money going to my friends’ care. To keep the blog active, here is an entry about The Trolley. Its creation occupied lots of…