
Note Pad- Clip Board

Clip Board

The note pad that went into the Mothers’ Day baskets was a hit. It was both simple to make and functional.

Wooden mechanisms are clumsy. At the proportions of a note pad it is difficult to include complexity. But, enlarged to A4 scale you can fit a nice wooden spring loaded clip at the top- a real clip board!

As with the note pad, the springy nature of plywood is exploited. You can tighten or soften the spring by adjusting the length of cut down the side of the board.

In this case I didn’t have scraps large enough to make the clip from a single piece. Screws increased my confidence in the glue. They also overcame the problem of angled pieces from escaping my clamps.

On its underside the clip gets a more positive hold on the paper if you concentrate its squeeze into a narrow strip rather than spread its force over a wide flat base.

The wide flat clip wants to escape as it wobbles in its wooden job. Holding it in place with little off cuts gets control its meandering ways.

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