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Sensory Wall

There is a quiet room where the more stressed of my friends find gentleness. Fixed to the wall is a plywood panel that enables us to stick stuff where ever we feel.

The stuff is really a collection of toys that have something sensory about them. It may be a movement or a gentle noise.

As we fixed pieces to the wall my friends helped me by holding screws and even passing me the toys. It was a complicated job because the new toys attracted playful fingers straight away.

Here are some of the bits. My friends said thanks by playing with them.

Teddy just hangs around. You can shake hands with him and his feet and hands make a nice click when settle to rest.
The bell is trapped behind two rods. It is really a Christmas decoration. 
Here you can knock on the door and see if anybody is home. The brush feels nice on your fingers and the elephant’s trunk is like a big spring.
This box was fun to make. I set myself the task of not using any hardware. Its rope is soft to touch and makes a flexible hinge that doesn’t pinch fingers. 
Here’s a doll’s house. It is a way of installing a shelf to our wall. We will use it to hold surprises. A soft teddy may live comfortably in here.

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